Our numbers were this year were the absolute minimum we can run with, but what amazed me was the atmosphere was  as good as ever, and how many ‘WASH virgins’ there were. This hopefully will encourage those who didn’t come this year thinking it wouldn’t be the same, to return next year.

 My Highlights:

  • Winning the quiz!!!!!!!
  • Half boarding (a dammed good excuse to have a bit of banter at breakfast)
  • Lara's and Chris's Saturday party
  • Friday night Fuzzy Ducking
  • Tight Fit doing Kareoke in our kitchen until about 5 a.m.

 At this year’s WASH the main entertainment of Sunday evening was Tight Fit, they went down well with most Plussers on the dance floor and a couple on stage, but the real highlight was that the band turned up at our chalet Karaoke party afterwards. Everyone thought it was really cool and the real fun part was in the kitchen where Denise Waterman started a singing game.

Back to the more traditional dates next year so at the end of WASH 2009, the next WASH was less than 52 weeks away….and counting!!

Photos to follow

Paul C

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