…on thin ice?  No not this time – actually at the ice rink in Peterborough, and an interesting experience!

On a sunny day when sensible people were out enjoying the fresh air, we were going round in circles on the ice indoors wearing hats and gloves – ok so you can’t choose the weather but whats the betting that when we want to spend a day outside it won’t be half as nice!

Some of us had skated before, some hadn’t, although I peronally think Colin was having us on as he seemed to be a natural on the ice.  Dawn C was sceptical at first, but by the end of the session gained some confidence….just as we had to leave!  I am sure we will go again though as it was loads of fun, and I don’t think too many of us ended up too bruised…..despite some impressive falls!

Photos to follow, when the photos page is working again…!!  No pictures of people falling over as it always seemed to happen while I was skating myself – and I didn’t quite manage to master the art of taking a camera out of my pocket, switching it on and taking a photo whilst skating!  Also nobody was considerate enough to fall over just in front of me while I was standing at the side, camera in hand!

Categories: Events