Back to our traditional NYE party venue for this year, at the “Pig Farm” as some of us know it, otherwise known as Dave  & Sherrie’s house.  This year somebody decided a barbecue would be a good idea, even in this cold weather!

Food and drink was in abundance as normal, some good bombay potatoes, salad and dips to go with the burgers etc.,  the two Dawns kindly offered samples of some drinks that they bought on their visit to the Lincoln Christmas market and gave us the chance to all try something different, Sherrie added her sloe gin, and some home-made cranberry vodka – very interesting!

Midnight, and the chimes, arrived and were celebrated, and then the snow arrived.  I don’t know who started the snowball fights, whether it was us or the kids, but a few of us wrapped up warm (silly hats!) and braved the weather to go hurl snowballs at each other.  Unfortunately the big kids (well, me at least!) ran out of energy before snow, which was plentiful, and abandoned that idea to go warm up in front of the log burner in the living room and discuss such interesting subjects as accounts, housework, DIY – we certainly know how to party!!!

An impromptu haircutting session happened sometime during the evening after one of the kids taunted one of the adults on his lack of hair and got threatened with the hair clippers, we couldn’t catch him, but Stephen did say he needed a haircut so Sherrie obliged!

As usual, a rather random evening, and a very late night before we all crashed either on the floor/sofas in the house (too hot because of the log burner) or in the “shed” (apparently very cold!).  Some of us looked healthier than others in the morning, possibly depending on how many shots they had partaken of the night before, Dawn P?  After cups of tea, coffee and a helping of the trifle which didn’t make it to the table the night before for breakfast we all went our separate ways – and so 2010 starts…..

Categories: Events