Well if we have one problematic weekend this year, then I guess rather this one than WASH, but even so……last minute problems with the venue meant we didn’t even know until the day before whether this event would go ahead, but all resolved just in time and a great weekend followed.

Rather than all posts being written by the same person, I’m using exceprts from a posting from the “one-list”, which is the National Plus forum, to give another person’s point of view – this is written by “Biggles” from Fareham group:

“This weekend very nearly got cancelled at the last minute due to a legal wangle between the local village council and the contractor who laid the grass where we would normally erect our tents! Fortunately, some fast thinking and even faster
strimming action by intrepid KL Plus members ensured that we were able to break through into uncharted camping lands in the middle of the local woodlands (even though at night it felt more like the Blair Witch woods….)

By the time the rest of us Plussers turned up, all arrangements had been made and we settled in to setting up our tents in a more scenic setting than normal!

Friday night was fairly relaxed, well, for us anyway….. The poor pub just down the road didn’t quite know what hit it, I think their normal Friday night crowd would have been a couple of regulars and a dog – not the 20 or so Plussers who
all turned up at once wanting meals and a few drinkies! Still, Their bar staff rose to the occasion magnificently and we all got served eventually! After a few hours of that, it was time to go back to the village hall and grove the rest
of the night away to karaoke provided by Excalibur Roadshow (Adam Redshaw) til about midnight and then sat around chatting, drinking and chilling till the sky started to lighten up again.

Saturday morning was a bit delayed, I think the woodland setting made the tents a bit darker for longer – so we were not dragged out this year by the hot sun bearing down directly! About 10am enough of us had surfaced to make going to
the pub for breakfast viable – although once again we overwhelmed the staff who didn’t have enough in stock for 15 or so hungry people – The poor landlord had to make a quick trip to Tesco in a hurry! lol!

Saturday afternoon found members attending National Rounders in King’s Lynn – I am reliable informed that one team won and the other came second…

Saturday evening found the fires being stoked for the traditional BBQ, Having been to Tesco’s ourselves earlier, we were well supplied with meat products and the King’s Lynn group supplied the salad and buns! Such a yummy feast was had by all.

Later that night found some people winning the endless raffle (I swear theremust have been dozens of prizes!!!) although the numbers were only coming up for Chris Porter and Serena Horsewell! How many redraws can one couple have????

The rest of the night passed with a large number of us just sat outside the hall around a fire-pit (BBQ with no food on!) for several hours just chatting, drinking and chilling out.  The fire was very watchable! 🙂 Those who spent time on the dance floor seemed to enjoy themselves just as much! I understand that some members managed to stay around the fire till about 4am.

Sunday morning found us up around 9am packing our tents away and eventually departing (after everyone helped out cleaning up the hall and its surrounds!) A short detour to the local burger van was made (We gave the pub landlady a
break!) and I can recommend their double cheeseburger!

Thanks again to King’s Lynn group, Hope to see some of you at Scalextric’s in a months time and the rest of you at WASH 2010!”

Thanks to Biggles for the review and it was good to see that the alternative camping arrangements went down so well – some people are even talking about camping in the woods again next year!

Christine T

Categories: Events