We have to be different, everyone else celebrates New Year’s Eve on 31st December, due to work committments, our New Year Party was held on 29th December instead – call it a pre-New Year’s Eve Party if you like!!

We headed over to Dave & Sherie’s place at Necton – better weather this year, last year it was snowing and Paul was a little worried about his smart BMW loan car on the ungritted road!!

Good food was had by all – out of the oven was brought a large joint of pork which had been cooking most of the day by all accounts – pork and stuffing rolls all round, followed by Dave’s trifle – stuff of legends, the trifle – a bowl of that and you could be over the limit for driving!!!

Episodes of Red Dwarf were watched, along with a dodgy 80’s music dvd, drink was drunk, tea was made, those who stayed finally made it to bed around 3.15am, to wake up about 6 hours later, ready and raring to go on a 4/5 mile walk round the country lanes (or not!)

Once again, this was a chance to see friends we hadn’t seen for some time (since last year in some cases!), and also this year an unexpected opportunity to say goodbye to some good friends who are emigrating to Canada. Somehow new year won’t quite be the same without them!

Lots to look forward to in 2007, winter walks, chinese new year, weekends away, possibly some more camping (Sherie and I have plans, watch out!!!), Brean, WASH etc. Look forward to seeing you all next year.

Christine T

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